by Belina N Fruitman, LCSW, CAS

This blog is primarily for those of you who attempted Dry January. Consider this a follow up from my last blog. I am holding you accountable. However, note that those of you who did not engage in Dry January, you are in luck as today is a new month, a new day, and every day is an opportunity to stretch to new bounds try something new, it may improve your life.

Here are some questions for those of you who tried an alcohol-free lifestyle during the 31 days of January:

  • Were there surprising benefits of a 31 day sobriety? (List them)
  • What if any were the challenges?
  • Was it easier or harder than you expected? (List specific examples of both)
  • What feelings did this experience bring up for you?
  • Was this your first attempt at sobriety?  If yes, why?
  • Did you feel supported during those 31 days? (By whom?
  • Did your friends or others follow you in this experience?
  • And the ultimate question:  Do you want to continue into February? Why OR why not?

The above line of questioning is part of processing this experience.  I welcome you sharing these with me, feel free to email me your responses by clicking the Contact link.

And remember, today is a new day, if you have not tried an alcohol-free lifestyle, it is not too late.